It's about time I put her to sleep. Since her birth over two years ago, she has been the sole and most imaginative outlet for me. The way I spend time for myself was through this medium. By simply by writing, publishing, watching it float around far and wide, and looking forward to the comments that shoot back at me. Some consolations, some differing opinions, some others in total agreement.
Now it wouldn't be fair to this page, if I let her sit and rot in her own words dating back to August 2008, would it? With absolute lack of inspiration to write I know I'm not getting any closer to the next post or the one following it. If only I continued to read the posts that you guys come up with; that would be enough inspiration!
Before I digress, this blog will be closed for readership at the end of this year. Thanks to everyone that gave me a pat in the back to get me to continue writing. I owe you a lot. Have a great New Year. It is but inevitable that you have a good one. After all, it is us who make our new year a good one, right?