Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Random Thoughts

1. The pocket change I found last weekend in my old pair of jeans made me grin. Made me beam with a nice warm glow knowing how it landed there.

2. Sometimes I feel that I need emails with a subject line that goes “A Woman is Special” to keep reminding me that I need to be a lot more warm, loving, feminine, and passionate in this Godforsaken world run by men! And constantly keep reminding me that we’re the blessed sex of the two.

3. How the laughter of a child, free of deceit, can shine our worlds brighter than the sun on a gloomy night.

4. The “Corrections and Clarifications” column on the newspaper seems to occupy more and more column-space by the day!

5. America has woken up to accept what they call the “unacceptable”. A surprisingly larger part of the population seems to lose trust on someone that has an impressive political lineage and leans to the comfort promised by Barack Obama! I guess time will tell us the rest. But if the question was “Who is more electable?” I think I’d say that it still is Clinton. Whoever it is, hopefully it’s a Democrat!

6. Life is as beautiful as I want to make it.

7. God I miss my shishta! * sigh *

8. Sometimes, when I stare blankly ahead and drive down without a focus, goal, or destination; that’s when I find myself in the most mystifying places of all times that I’ve failed to notice all along. :)

9. It disturbs me to know that Time is an annoying devil that just won’t wait for anyone. And when it starts to play its disgusting game, you’re not left with much choice by to play by its rules. It’s Vile!

10. My earliest memories of Madras; waking up with the sweet aroma of filter coffee, skipping and hopping along the side streets not caring a damn about the flying skirts showing off the dirty knees, watering the saplings on the side-walks, playing hide-n-seek around trees. But sadly all that remains now is how we crib about the traffic in the city! Let alone watering the saplings in the side-walks. There
ARE no side-walks in the first place! It’s the sad state of Madras…

11. Websites such as Thesaurus.com and Dictionary.com have gradually, and almost completely, replaced the sweet-pungent smell and yellowing crinkly papers of the hand -held dictionary.

12. A walk in the park is a breath of fresh air through my dirty veins.


Devil Mood said...

A very nice array of thoughts. Time is vile but we still need to go for walks in the park where we get lost in our daydreaming.

Idah's Family Bluez said...

heheheh... i like this G3!

and yes, i miss my sista too.. :(

Mansi Trivedi said...

I love it. I miss filter coffee. I miss hand-held dictionary. It is filled with dust on my shelf. I love driving to nowhere too.
Good stuff.

Brecht said...

hey ya G3, r u ok dearie? u've been pretty melancholic these days, whats up babe? just missing your shista or something else not quite right? I am here ok, always, just email or buzz me anytime! Hugs for now, gotta go catch up on my Dutch! School started again yesterday and my new teacher is a big fat, funny gay man! (gay NOT as in happy)

Miss Iyer said...


oh daydreaming I do. a LOT! :D


Yeah, they're like our mommies. :-/


Thanks Mansi for dropping by and thank you for the lovely comments. Do drop by more often.


Heheheh. I just wrote to you. And just so you know, I'm just fine! :)

Rims said...

Heylo whats up as you have already been asked are you missing your sister or is ot something else!!!
BTW whenever I go home, I do make it a point to spend some moments with the dictionary - its a worn out one from my school days :D Nostalgia hits!!