Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Usually, the status message on my chat client would either indicate what music I’m listening to then or would simply say “Killer Migraine!” (meaning, stay away from me). And then, no one would bother me on chat until after that message is gone.

Cutting to the present, a long lost friend got online and buzzed me today. And quite neatly also slipped in the fact that he’d stay online from then on; obviously I was glad. Need you ask someone like me, who can spend the whole day chatting with five or more people at the same time!? (I’d like to call it multi-tasking :D)

Hours later when I got back to my desk after an utterly futile meeting, I found that this guy had broken his promise and gotten offline. This time, the status on my chat was “Dodooo! Where are you???” Not that he would hear, but it was worth the try. How you ask?

I had less than a dozen contacts online then, and 8 of them (which included some of them that haven’t talked to me in a while) buzzed me out of the blue. I could have taken a few responses and put it down right here, verbatim, but for the most part, all of them pretty much admitted to the fact that they were all dodo’s :D

How? Most of them, in some form or the other, were:

I’m here! I’m here!” or “here I am :)” or “I'm right here! cant u see me?

That WAS fun :D. Either they all agree that they’re dodo’s OR I have this silly habit of referring to one too many of them as dodo’s .... OR like one of them put it “well you have that effect on us... before your presence... we all feel like dodos :-P”

PS: Will tell you guys about this TOTALLY cool tool that I've been hooked onto for the past couple of weeks, in one of my subsequent posts. It was introduced to me by none other than the craziest human being I've met; Dodo!

PPS: And for those of you who hate reading long posts (and that means you Digital Monk), I've tried mighty best to keep this one short!


Prakaz said...
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Prakaz said...

someone REALLY has to teach you the meaning of short.. LOL

by the way u forgot to mention about the TOTALLY cool tool... is is analytics? someone also needs to learn to hook on to topics for more than 5 seconds..

supernova said...

Just shows what wonderful friends you have!

Miss Iyer said...


LOL! Yep, its analytics. I didnt forget though, I'll talk about the tool in detail in one of my future posts. (One of my attempts at keeping this one short :D)

"someone also needs to learn to hook on to topics for more than 5 seconds.. " which is you? ;)

Miss Iyer said...


U bet! I'm glad I have this many, AND I'm glad I have the ones I do.

Muuah! :D

dharmabum said...

i hope u really don't have migraines. mom gets them regularly and i've seen her scream in suffering :(

i must be careful not to buzz u though :D

Miss Iyer said...



I do, I do. And suffer as much when I get 'em.

When u meant "scream" did you mean scream at others? 'Cos that's exactly what I do :D The reason y my parents and friends would stay away from me :D

Priyamvada_K said...

Haha! That was funny. The Calvin & Hobbes picture is a cute one, too.


dharmabum said...

sometimes, its screaming at others. but mostly, its just screaming, combined with bawling, as in an outlet of a feeling helplessness...:(

do u use the computer a lot? that cud be a reason too, though it needn't be true always.

Miss Iyer said...


Thanks for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed the post.

I remember visiting your blog a few days back, but somehow I don't seem to remember the URL now and when I tried viewing your profile, I couldn't find it either :-/ Do publish ur blog url too :)

Miss Iyer said...


I feel awful for your mom. I know exactly what she must be going through. Like right now, this morning, whilst searching for a painkiller, I threw my bag in desperation (cos I couldn't find it in time) and witnessed the contents of my bag being strewn all over the room.

As much as I know it wasn't the right thing to do, these things just happen out of sheer helplessness.

Yep, I use the computer at work. But it may not be a reason, cos I've been suffering from this since class 5 :D

dharmabum said...

miss iyer,

class 5 aa? ayyo, enakku romba feelings a irukku miss :( take care of uself.

may i give u uncolicited suggestions? try some guided meditation...this is not some cliched thing i'm saying out of the books. it has helped me in more ways than one.

also, ever tried homeo? both my parents are docs, u know, allopathy and all. and they've tried just about everything to find mom a cure - from the most expensive pills to MRI and gawd knows what. and guess what? they finally found ANOTHER doc - allopath, who had retired, and was practising homeo, out of self interest in the subject. they'v been consulting him, adn i believe it is working pretty well on mom - though she still gets the attacks (and the gazillion other health problems that she has!), but the frequency of the migraine attacks seem to be reducing.

sorry about the rant. oh, and lemme give u a lil online gift, priyamvada's URL is -

have fun ;o)

dharmabum said...


i shouldn't have thrown those hysterical fits when as a kid my dad used to complain about my spelling :))

Miss Iyer said...


Yep, I've tried homeo some years ago, but since it didnt work too quickly for thy impatient self, soon i gave up on it. :-| Didnt help either with the frequency or with the intensity. But well, this is a lengthy conversation that can go on and on.

LOL at your spellings. I'm miserable at spellings too :-P and thanks for the online gift :)