Friday, March 02, 2007


I havent posted in a loooong time (at least by my standards). But before i get back to more frequent blogging (which i promise i will), i wanted to share this with you; some tragic photographs that really bore on me; moved me and had me stop working and spend a few silent moments... especially a few pictures from Afghanistan, Sudan, and Romania.

Tragedy is... they are all pictures from the 21st century.

PS: Apologies to all those bloggers for not having visited them in a while! :-/

Supernova, now that you have told that i've been tagged, I'll soon stop by and find out what that meme is all about :)


Anonymous said...

=( pictures really moved me to tears and anger... thanks for sharing G3 and good to know u will be blogging regularly again! Hope you are feeling much calmer, hugs.
ps - this just got on the news as i was typing u this comment, mother of 5 just killed all her kids and then tried killing herself but failed!!! *sob*sob* the worlds gone bonkers! aarrgghh

dharmabum said...

ah, good to see u back, miss i :)

yes, the world is filled with misery. reminding ourselves of it once in a while can serve as an inspiration. imho, we must be cautioned against constantly being exposed to such bitterness, as it might just bog us down.

for there certainly is a lot of good around too - and knowing and being a part of the good elevates us.

Chandramohan 'CM' Kannan said...

totally concur with dharma... both on welcoming you and coaxing you to be a bit more optimistic if possible... its a beautiful world... I wish I could donate my eyes to you... calm down babe...

Miss Iyer said...


I'm much better, thanks. And hugs back to u :)


"...and knowing and being a part of the good elevates us"

Will remember to remember that :)


I am and I WILL be a lot more optimistic in future :)