Tuesday, February 06, 2007

10 things

I've been tagged! 10 things that define me?

When I wanted to come up with 10 things that would define me, it typically included

I hate creepy crawlies
I love yapping
love to stand in the beach and watch the sea for hours
"love the first rain of the season"
strangely, I like the way fevicol feels between my fingers after it has dried
I emphasize my ideas and opinions with ALL CAPS (which I do almost always
I listen to Evanescence
I dream a lot
“blah blah blah” stuff like that. Obviously, it took me less than 2 minutes to come up with that list.

But then I figured that it didn’t make sense; I mean, don’t practically everyone like the sea, or listen to music, or freak out when they see bugs (at least the women folk out there)?!?

Well, here are some of them that define me, or at least *I* think so. I can assure you though that this is not a comprehensive list. Minutes after posting this entry, I can come up with as much as 10 or 15 more...


  1. Highly unpredictable, I can have 3 zillion moods in a span of 3 minutes. AND, it’s hard to tell where one ends and where the other begins! They kinda blend with each other. My friends can vouch for that. :-D

  2. I waste food! :( However little I eat, somehow I’ll be full at the end of the meal with at least two spoonfuls left on the plate. Interestingly, I won’t have a teeny bit of space in my stomach to accommodate the left-over food.

  3. I love reading; I have to read at least an hour before I get into bed every night. This is aside from the reading I do on the internet – at least 3 books at any given point in time. Also, I have this nasty habit of reading the last page first AND ship back and forth in a book simply because I get bored half way through it. That displays yet another one of my traits, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it say I’m impatient? <grin>

  4. I can handle wits or talk to anyone about any subject under the sun. I love to acquire knowledge, but only as much as I want to. You won’t find me pursuing the topic any longer if I don’t know anymore about it. I’ll surreptitiously drop the conversation just as fast as I started it and dart to a more comfortable subject to talk on!

  5. I can’t rest my eyes on one object for more than a few seconds. Needless to say, I have plenty of crushes. In fact, sometimes, I have more than one crush on the same day... foxy eh? Or shameless? ;)

  6. Usually honest, friendly, and mostly eager to please people; I don’t know why though. In fact, I surprise myself (and others) sometimes with the things I do.

  7. I hate writing letters, answering emails and calling back. I procrastinate! I can thank people in my mind, can’t I? Why should I write a Thank You note? It's a surprise I'm still blogging!

  8. I’ll pick up that laundry while on my way home…
    I’ll make you a yummy pie on your birthday night…
    I promise I’ll be good…

    Which may all turn out to be…

    The laundry? Its not en-route!!!
    We should just go OUT to dinner tonight, don’t you think?
    Good? Yeah-haan!

    What I believe in today, I may not believe in tomorrow. So beware of all those promises I make. They won’t even last the next minute!

  9. And of course, I love my friends, especially the ones with a funny bone. I love spending time with people who can see things the different way and find humor in almost everything they see or hear.

  10. I’ve BIG dreams... HIGH hopes... BELIVE in luck... BABBLE a lot... and won’t take things SERIOUSly when they ought to be... more-or-less the typical me I'd say. :)


Woah! That took me a day and a half! I should mention that at first when I started off I couldn’t think of a single damn thing about myself. Then, I just let go and started observing myself (yes, you heard it right). I’ve never looked at myself the way I did these past few days in order to come up with the above list. Blame it on my versatile, agile self—all along, I hadn’t had the time to stop and think about ME.

I tag Supernova and Big B.


SaM-GiRL said...

Nice blog! I also love staring at the sea, or the waves breaking on the shore. beautiful.

supernova said...

Yup, u've nailed it on the head, I guess! Now you've gone and tagged me too.. Lemme see what I can come up with!

Big B said...

1. You have a boyfriend called migraine :)
2. You love giggling..rather the child in you comes out very often ;)
3. You have a strange way of attacking people..almost like flapping your wings

Miss Iyer said...


Thanks for stopping by :)

Miss Iyer said...


I'm glad you agree with all of that. I almost expected you to come up with some more, just like Big B.


How true! Btw, now you've been tagged. I'm can't wait to see your list! :-D

Mridhool said...

That was good! Now u have encouraged me to think and do the same!!! Let me give it a try...

Keep Blogging.. Fun reading thro ur posts!!

Anonymous said...

You forgot the lovable part... this girl is one of the very vrey few people I know who can be annoying and adorable at the same time!

Well i guess we have something in common there eh ;)

Miss Iyer said...


Good for you, but I think I can tell one of those traits right away!

You'll tell me that you'll give it a shot but it wont ever happen. rite? :-D

And thanks, will keep posting!

Mridhool said...

LOL. U understood me right!

Miss Iyer said...


Thanks, that's the sweetest thing I've heard.

@"annoying and adorable at the same time!" Call it the duality of the sign under which I was born, I sure DO have extreme traits ;)

"Something in common"? You're right Allen! In fact, I think that's the ONLY thing we have in common :-/

dharmabum said...

miss i,

most people don't have the time to think of themselves - which is why to me, this world seems to be a bunch of naive folks who don't know where they are going, or even if at all they really do nede to 'go' some place :)

am glad u took up the meme though -u seem to be one of the few people on my blogroll who did :)

nothing shameless about the crush bit - am pretty much like that too. like right now, especially after having read your 10 things, i have this li crush on YOU ;o)

PS: treat this as a humble request from a friend - PLEASE please please - don't waste food.