Friday, February 23, 2007


My car is back ... AND it looks as good as new.

With a little more than 19 grand sitting on it, it mighty well be!!!

And I'm gonna heed Dharma's advice here and get that license soon before my Learner’s License expires. :-D


Chandramohan 'CM' Kannan said...

wonderful... did the insurance company cough up... or are you still waiting???

dharmabum said...

chamattu ponnu :)

supernova said...

Aah! You take good care of it now!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Iyer,

Was doing some serious net search and happened to bump into ur weblog - ur profile announces that i am writing to an Instructional Designer...gosh !!! hurray !!! this is good.

I am mighty curious to know more on ur work...actually me too enrolled into a course with SIBM on instructional designing - am struggling to complete the same...partly due to screwed up work timings and partly due to other commitments.

I am sorry to be writing all this as a comment to ur article on a new car - but didnt have a clue as how I could contact you in any other way. Would be good if you could please drop me ur mail address to write more one-one.

And hey, ur posts do sound very realistic and in a way are connected to our mundane daily existence - definetly a "smile bringer" if not nostalgic.

Hoping that I am able to successfully extract a full length reply to my comment (er mail!!1).

Brecht said...

Well well, what a relieve it must be for you G3! Your baby's back = ) Hope she will remain in good order for many years to come! = )Good luck with getting yourself a driving license! My husband is in the process of getting himself one too (kid of a force situation for us because the company he works for has decided to provide a company car to all management staff) Hugs!

Miss Iyer said...


Not yet, but likely to receive about 9000 bucks.


As always.


Yep, will. I promise! :)

Miss Iyer said...


Be glad to! Please drop me an email at

Miss Iyer said...


Thanks much! And good luck to your husband from me.

Hugs back to u! :)